13 Years – Whoa!

13 Years – Whoa!

Once upon a time… a man was given a wife. 13 year’s - whoa! Now there was sacrifice and there was fun, but one thing never changed: love! As a matter of fact, this is the only thing that continues to grow stronger. Three kids and a dog or two later this life has only...

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Team Big C for the 2

Team Big C for the 2

Wow! What a big season this was! There was a lot of frustration with the weather, but overall it was fun to get back into coaching! I got back into coaching after three years away; furthermore, at a new league. I head coached team Big C. My co-coach/assistant coach,...

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Drawing with Bradley

Drawing with Bradley

Dinner... Oh So Good! Then Drawing! Last night my oldest son went to one of his friend's houses to spend the night. EVEN though I wasn't certain that should happen because of the snowstorm that we got and the ice on the road and all that. AND that I was making a new...

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What a Wild October!

What a Wild October!

Wow! What a wild October! Crazy things happened. Lots of them... I am very excited about all the craziness that happened and that I was able to do what we were able to do! I am excited where this direction of our lives are going (Sarah's and mine)! It's been a wild...

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What a whirlwind it has been! My goodness! Over the COVID, other than the cough, two home-sets and THEN my wife surprised me with the coolest gift ever: a brand spanking new, ain’t no one broke the leather (sport cloth) in it before me 2021 F-150 STX 4x4!!!...

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Kenny W.L. Turns 11 Today!!

Kenny W.L. Turns 11 Today!!

Holy Cow! Kenny W.L. Turns 11 Today! Kenny W.L. turns 11 today; sheesh time flies! Eleven years ago today, in the waning hours of the morning, the kiddo that turned me into a Daddy was born. Kenneth W. L. Holmes was born! I was a Dad and was excited to be able to call...

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My Grandma Has Passed

My Grandma Has Passed

Magdalene Marceil Holmes October 7, 1931 - July 16, 2021My Grandmother was one of the most special people in my life. I grew up with her teaching me important life lessons. She taught me please and thank you, yes m'am, no m'am, how to drive and then in the end:...

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